How important Is Rest In Your Workout Routine?

How important Is Rest In Your Workout Routine?

A rest day is a day in which a person takes a break from their regular workout routine. Rest days are an important part of any exercise program. They give the body a chance to repair and recover, and help to prevent injury.

A person should plan to have at least one rest day every 7–10 days.

This article explains why rest days are important for health and outlines some signs that may indicate a need for a rest day. We also highlight some of the issues that can occur if a person does not incorporate rest days into their workout routine.

Health benefits of rest days

Rest days are an important part of any exercise routine. A person should plan to take regular rest days and should learn to recognize when extra rest days are necessary. The health benefits of rest days include:

  • Alleviating muscle pain and soreness: During rest days, the body has a chance to remove excess lactate from the muscles. This helps to alleviate muscle pain and soreness.
  • Repairing and building muscles: Exercise creates microscopic tears in muscle tissue. During rest days, cells called fibroblasts repair and build up the muscle tissue.
  • Replenishing the body’s energy stores: Glycogen is a form of energy stored in muscles. Exercise depletes glycogen levels, which leads to muscle fatigue. Rest days allow the muscles to replenish their glycogen stores, thereby reducing muscle fatigue and preparing the muscles for their next workout.
  • Preventing injury: Overexercising puts repetitive stress and strain on the muscles, increasing the risk of injury.
  • Allowing the mind to rest: Overexercising can tire the mind as well as the body. Tiredness can lead to poor decision making during a workout routine, which increases the risk of injury.

Signs someone needs a rest day

Certain signs may indicate that a person needs a rest day. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), some signs to look out for include:

  • persistent muscle pain or soreness
  • inability to complete a workout routine
  • continued feelings of sluggishness following a workout
  • binge eating, or craving comfort foods
  • increased incidence of injury or illness
  • changes in mood or behavior, such as
    • mood shifts
    • irritability
    • insomnia
    • prioritizing fitness over everything else

If a person experiences any of the above signs, they should take a day or two to rest and recover.

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